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Foto van schrijverAschwin van Diermen

If you want to lose weight, make sure you bile production is ok!

If you want to be fit, energetic, sleep well and want to lose weight and stay slim, then good production of bile and good functioning of the gallbladder are essential. Bile activates digestion and keeps your intestines clean. Better digestion ensures better processing of everything you eat and ensures that less undigested food remains in your body.

The foods below help with the production of bile and the functioning of the gallbladder.

Rotate with the foods below and make sure you eat a number of these foods every day. If you apply the Morning Cleanse, you will already get a lot of this food every day. If you do not yet know the wonders of the Morning Cleanse, schedule a consultation and I will be happy to explain it to you.

-          Organic acids from lemons and limes.

-          Bitter herbs such as parsley, coriander, dandelion and milk thistle.

-          Warming herbs such as ginger, turmeric and cinnamon.

-          Prebiotic foods like artichokes, radishes, asparagus and garlic.

-          Beets, chicory and arugula.

-          Walnuts

-          Sunflower seeds

-          Flaxseed and olive oil max 1 tablespoon per day and only after 12 hours!

-          Onions

-          Red apples (Gala, Fuji, Braeburn contain the most pectin)

Replace bad fats with healthy fats. The best known way to naturally increase bile production in your body is to eat more foods that contain healthy fats. Some of the best fatty foods to eat are avocados, fatty fish like salmon and various nuts. However, eat these foods after 12 hours for even better detoxification and actually once a day is enough. Some good nuts to eat for better bile production are mainly cashews and almonds.

Try celery (juice), radishes, and artichokes for a healthy way to increase bile. Some people report that eating these foods (or an extract of them) naturally increases the amount of bile in your body. More studies are needed to confirm the effects of these foods, but preliminary findings show that artichoke extract can temporarily increase bile production after consuming it. Similarly, animal studies show that radishes can increase bile secretion from the gallbladder.

These foods are said to stimulate bile production in your liver, so this may be a good option for you if you have a bile deficiency due to liver problems.

Eat garlic and onions for a tasty way to increase bile. These foods can also help prevent gallstones from forming.

Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. However, tap or bottled water is not sufficient, as this water is over-filtered and is essentially no longer “alive.” To bring water back to life, add lemon or lime to it. Half a lemon in half a liter of water or 1 lime in half a liter of water. You can also get water back alive with other fruits and/or raw honey! Drink 300 to 500ml of lemon water or lime water immediately after getting up. Living water hydrates best.

Of course, if you eat more of all of the above, you will get more fluid anyway, because fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fluid. It is therefore not necessary to drink liters of water.

Eating too much fat prevents the cell from being hydrated, so it is wise to reduce your fat intake. Start by avoiding fat for up to 12 hours, then you will notice that your body will detoxify in the right way with all kinds of positive reactions. You will notice that you will sleep better and get up fitter. After a while you will get a generally fitter feeling throughout the day and your skin will start to shine more.

Good luck and feel free to send a message if you have any questions.

Greetings Aschwin

Orthomolecular therapist

Lyme recovery therapist

Colon hydro therapist


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